Club Constitution January 2024
Bowling Club
Instituted 1886
Issue 11
January 2024
1.0 Membership
1.1The Club shall be called the “Larkhall Bowling Club” and shall comprise:
a)a maximum of 200 members.
b)a maximum of 20 non-playing members. Such members will have at least 10 years membership and no longer wish to play bowls, and an undefined number of honorary members elected to that position on occasion.”
1.2 The objects of the club shall be to provide and equip a bowling green and recreation rooms, to generally encourage recreation and social intercourse among the members and to provide the privileges of a Club. The Club is a non-profit making organisation, with any profits or surpluses used to improve the Club’s facilities. On the dissolution of the club any assets purchased with lottery funding will be distributed to another non-profit making body with similar aims. Any unspent lottery funding will be returned to the source. Any other profit or surplus will be distributed to another non-profit making body with similar aims, on the dissolution of the Club.”
1.3 Should a non-playing member wish to be re-instated as a full member, their name will be placed at the top of the waiting list and they shall be given priority over all others including sons, daughters, widows and widowers.
1.4The Gents and Ladies sections shall be administered by Larkhall Bowling Club. The additional constitution and rules are listed below.
1.5A Junior Section shall be administered by Larkhall Bowling Club. The additional provisions for the Junior Section are shown in Section 20 below.
2.0 Office Bearers and Directors (The Committee)
2.1 The Committee shall consist of:
a) Gents section President
Gents Section Vice President
b) Ladies Section President
Ladies Section Vice President
c) Club Secretary
Assistant Club Secretary
d) Club Treasurer
Assistant Club Treasurer – Gents Section
Assistant Club Treasurer – Ladies Section
e) Gents Section Match Convener
Ladies Section Match Convener
f) Immediate Past President - Gents
Immediate Past president - Ladies
g) Three Directors
2.2 All Office Bearers and Directors shall serve a period of one year and each committee member must be assigned to at least one sub-committee.
2.3 All office bearers and directors will be elected by all club members present at the Annual General meeting.
2.4 No member can be elected to the committee unless they have been a member of the Club for a minimum of one year
3.0 Management of the Club
3.1 The business and affairs of the Club shall be under the management of the
committee who shall have the full powers to transact all the business of the
Club and that any publication or project that uses the name of Larkhall Bowling Club or its logo shall be deemed to be the business of the Club and as such will require submission for discussion and approval by the committee of directors. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt a member to fill any vacancy occurring among the office bearers and directors. Co-opted directors wishing to continue service on the committee shall submit to
formal election at the next Annual General Meeting.Eight Directors of the committee shall form a quorum.
3.2 No member of the committee or employee of the Club shall have the personal interest in the sale of any commodity therein or in the profits arising from such a sale.
3.3 A chairperson will be appointed from either of the two Bowling Presidents at
the first committee meeting after the Annual General Meeting.
4.0 Meeting of the Committee
4.1 The Committee of Management shall meet at least once per month, but the
Chairperson or any three Directors shall have the power to instruct the
Secretary to call a meeting of the Committee at any time.
5.0 General Meeting
5.1 The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held on the second
Wednesday of February for:
a) the election of Office Bearers and Directors to replace those retiring.
b) fixing the annual subscription and
c) transacting any extraordinary business of the Club.
5.2 Other General Meetings may be convened by the committee of Management and the Chairperson shall be bound to call the meeting within ten days after receipt of a requisition if signed by at least twenty members. Notice of such General Meetings must be given to members at least ten days prior to the date of such meetings.
At all General Meetings fifty members shall form a quorum.
6.0 The Chairperson
6.1 The Chairperson, or in absence the Vice-Chairperson, or in the absence of both
any other Director or Office Bearer elected by the meeting, shall preside at all
meetings of the club or committee of management and shall have, beside a
deliberate vote, a casting vote in cases of equality.
7.0 The Treasurer
7.1 The Treasurer shall keep correct accounts and books showing the financial
affairs and intromissions of the Club and shall submit to the Annual General
Meeting a statement of the accounts for the preceding year which have been
audited by two members appointed by the Directors for that purpose. The
Financial Year end shall be the last day in November. All funds of the Club
Shall be lodged in the bank in the name of the Club and all cheques on the
Accounts must be signed by the Treasurer or one of the Assistant Treasurers
and the Gents President or Ladies President.
8.0 The Secretary
8.1 The Secretary shall record in the minute book the results of all committee
special and general meetings of the club and keep regular and exact minutes.
In the notice calling the Annual General Meeting (in February) intimating to
each member on the roll that they shall be held to continue as a member and liable for the subscription which may be agreed for the current year unless they give written notice of their resignation to the Secretary prior to the meet meeting.
The Secretary will post a bulletin of the main issues from each committee meeting on the notice board.
9.0 Withdrawals
9.1 Members failing to give written notice to the Secretary prior to the Annual
General Meeting shall be held liable for the subscription for the current year provided they have always been warned of their liability in the circular calling for the Annual General Meeting.
10.0 Annual Subscriptions.
10.1 The Annual Subscription shall be as fixed at the Annual General Meeting. Effective from February 1997 members reaching the age of 65 by the Annual General Meeting shall pay the full fee. Existing members paying the reduced fee will continue to do so as set at the Annual General Meeting.
10.2 Subscriptions shall be due on or before 1st April each year. No member will be allowed to play in any match or be drawn in any of the ties for prizes until they have paid their annual subscription. In the absence of any satisfactory written explanation to the Secretary, if an annual subscription is still unpaid by the 1st June, the person defaulting in payments shall be expelled from membership of the Club. The subscription for temporary members shall be fixed by the Directors when required.
11.0 Admission of Members.
11.1 Any person seeking to join the Club must apply in writing to the Secretary. The application for membership shall be considered by the Management Committee. Membership is open to all and no application for membership shall be refused on other than reasonable grounds. There will be no discrimination on grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation, political or other opinion.
11.2 The Secretary shall intimate the decision of the Management Committee to the applicant. If the decision is favourable and no vacancy exists, the Secretary shall advise the applicant that their name will be entered on to a waiting list and that they may make use of the social facilities but not the green.
11.3 Successful applicants will then be admitted strictly according to the date of application with the exception that the following, in order, shall be given preference:
a) non-playing members wishing to be re-instated as full members:
b) sons and daughters of members of five years membership: alternating with
c) junior members attaining the age of 18 years (see Rule 20): alternating with
wives, husbands, widows and widowers.
11.4 On admission of a new member, the Secretary shall notify the applicant of their election in writing and acquaint them with the amount of annual
subscription. The Secretary shall draw their attention to the Club Constitution
and Rules exhibited in the clubhouse. The applicant will become a member
when they have accepted the offer of membership in writing to the Secretary
within ten days and their subscription has been paid.
11.5 New members shall be on a trial period and, if not participating in the
bowling activities of the Club on a regular basis, may have their membership
cancelled. Membership of Larkhall Bowling Club precludes membership of
any other outdoor bowling club.
11.6 Any person who has had their application for membership refused by the Management Committee shall have the right to appeal against that decision by writing to the Secretary. The Management Committee will reconsider the decision taking into account the applicant’s reasons, at the first monthly meeting after receipt of the appeal.
12.0 Honorary and Temporary Member.
12.1 No person shall be allowed to become an Honorary Member, and thereby be
relieved of payment of the annual subscription, unless that member has
contributed some special service to the community or to the Club. The
Committee of Management may from time to time elect persons not
Permanently resident in the district to be temporary members for such periods
and on such terms as they consider advisable. The Honorary Treasurer and
Honorary Secretary shall be relieved of payment of annual subscription while
holding office.
13.0 Visitors.
13.1 The green shall be open to members of other clubs and to visitors introduced
by members. Rink games with visitors must have the previous consent of the
Green Sub-Committee. Any individual game involving visitors must include at
least one Member.
13.2 A visitor shall not be supplied with excisable liquor in the Club premises
unless on the invitation and in the company of a member and such member
shall, on admission of such visitor to Club premises or immediately on their
being supplied with such liquor, enter their name and the name and address of
the visitor in a book which shall be kept for the purpose and which shall show the date of each visit. Four visitors maximum may be signed into the club bar
area by any one member.
14.0 Rules For Competitions and Prizes.
14.1 General
14.1.1 It is the responsibility of both players (skips in the case of pairs, triples etc) to
contact each other and arrange for ties to be played before the deadline.
14.1.2 All deadlines specified below must be adhered to. Extensions to deadlines
be applied only in very exceptional circumstances as determined by the match
committees and approved by the Directors.
14.1.3 Substitution will be as follows:
One substitute in a pairs or triples or fours competitions will be allowed in
Club Pairs, Senior Pairs, Nomination Pairs, Nomination Triples and
Nomination Fours.
One substitute can be chosen to play in these competitions provided that the
player has not played in previous rounds. Only when a substitution is
necessitated by family bereavement shall the player for whom substitution has
been made, be allowed to play in subsequent ties. In all other cases the
substitute may be allowed to continue throughout the remainder of the
14.1.4 Other rules as specified by Bowls Scotland (e.g. relating to the time allowed
for payers appearing to play etc.) shall apply to all competitions and in all
14.2 Club Rules.
14.2.1 When ties are played, the cards should be deposited in the boxes provided.
The tie sheets should not be up-dated: this is the sole responsibility of the
match committees.
14.2.2 If a player or skip
a) has contacted an opponent and has failed to reach agreement on when the tie
is to be played,
b) has been unsuccessful in contacting their opponent despite at least two
attempts, they (or both of them where relevant) must report the facts to the
match committees at least three days before the expiry date for the tie.
14.2.3 In these circumstances, the match committees will make a decision taking
account of all relevant facts. Failure to contact an opponent, failure to notify
the match committee within the specified time limit and unwarranted
obstructiveness will be taken into account in reaching the decision which will
be one of the following:
a) the tie shall be played at a specified date and time. In the event that one or both players/teams fail to turn up, one or both respectively will be
b) one or both players/teams shall be eliminated if the tie is not played by the due date.
c) both players/teams shall be eliminated if the tie is not played by the due
14.2.4 Both players/teams will be eliminated where a tie is not played by the due
date and neither player/team has contacted the match committees at least
three days before the expiry date for the tie.
14.2.5 Any dispute arising from the application of the above rules shall be notified
to the Directors in writing within three days of the due date of the tie or at the
time that the dispute arises if less than three days remain. The decision of the
Directors shall be notified to the players/teams concerned and shall be final.
14.2.6 Entries for the Secretary’s Competition in the Gents Section will exclude past
winners of the following competitions – Championship: Presidents: Vice
Presidents: Secretary’s.
15.0 Members while within ground.
15.1 Members must at all times conduct themselves in an acceptable manner while
within the ground. The Directors have power, on any infringement of this
rule taking place, to investigate the infringement and to expel the member or
members from the club or to withdraw all rights and privileges as a member
or members.
16.0 Gambling.
16.1 Gambling shall not be permitted under any circumstances.
17.0 Alteration of rules
17.1 Alteration of the rules can only be made at an Annual General Meeting of the
Club by a minimum majority of two thirds of those voting and after written
notice of the proposed alterations or additions has been given to the Secretary
not later then the 1st January so that he/she may advise members in the notice
calling the AGM.
18.0 Licensing hours.
18.1 The Club licensing hours will at all times be maintained within those set by the appropriate licensing authority or the directorate of the club operating
within the said authorised hours.
19.0 Use of rinks.
a) “Promiscuous Monday evenings for Gents at 7.00pm. Full green for Ladies on Monday at 1.30pm. Any rinks unused can be used for ties or bounce matches.”
b) In the event of any difference of opinion as to which of two available rinks
should be chosen for the playing of a Club tie, the question is to be decided by
the toss of a coin.
c) In the event of players in a tie not accepting the first available rink, their
names will go to the bottom of the waiting list.
d) If the green is full, the friendly game longest in progress shall, on request,
retire in favour of the tie.
e) If at any time the question should arise as to whether the green is playable or not, the decision shall be made by one or more members of the Green Committee. In their absence any available director can do so.
f) Junior members will be allowed to play at any rink or rinks is/are available, giving way on request from full members. Members of the Junior Section may join in the promiscuous on Monday evenings or Tuesday afternoons and any all day tournaments where the Directors consider it appropriate.
20.0 Junior Section
20.1 Applicants for junior membership must be a minimum of ten years of age at the date of application. Applications for junior membership will be made in writing to the Secretary for consideration by the Management Committee
20.2 Junior members are permitted to enter all club competitions on an equal basis with members. On attaining eighteen years, members of the junior section will be placed on a separate “waiting list” and be allocated membership as vacancies occur on a one for one basis with the main waiting lists, subject to
Rule 11.
20.3 The annual subscription shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting which
members of the junior section shall have the right to attend but at which they may not vote.
20.4 The Directors of Larkhall Bowling Club will have a responsibility to ensure that the junior section is a member of any appropriate body.
21.0 Ladies Section.
21.1 Name.
Larkhall Bowling Club Ladies Section.
21.2 Membership.
As per section 11 of the Club constitution.
21.3 Status.
Ladies are full members of Larkhall Bowling Club and adhere to the
Constitution of the Club.
21.4 The Ladies Match Convenor.
The Ladies Match Convenor shall keep a minute book and liaise with the Gents match convenor.
21.5 The Ladies Assistant Treasurer.
The Ladies Assistant Treasurer will assist in the administration of the financial affairs of the Ladies Section. All monies in excess of £100 will be transferred monthly to the treasurer who will issue a receipt. She will keep correct accounts and an income and expenditure record whish will be presented to the Treasurer on a monthly basis. The Ladies income and expenditure records will be included in the Club’s annual audit.
21.6 Facilities.
The upper floor of the old clubhouse may be used for meetings during the times of play, and they will have the use of a bowls room on the ground floor.
21.7 Use of the Green.
Ladies use of the green in accordance with the club constitution.
21.8 Dress
Conform to the dress code of playing bodies while representing Larkhall Bowling Club.
21.9 Office Bearers.
Ladies President.
Ladies Vice-President.
Ladies Match Convener.
Ladies Assistant Treasurer.
Ladies immediate Past President as in section 2.2.
21.10 Lady office bearers and any co-opted lady members will meet at least once
per month prior to the Committee of management meetings. The ladies match
convener shall record in the Minute Book the results of these meetings and
keep regular and exact minutes. A chairperson will be appointed from lady
office bearers.
22 .0 Gents Section
22.1 Name
Larkhall Bowling Club - Gents Section.
22.2 Membership.
Membership as per section 11
22.3 Status.
Gents are full members of Larkhall Bowling Club and adhering to the
Constitution of the Club.
22.4 Gents Match Convenor.
The Match Convenor will administer all games concerned with the Gents Section.
22.5 Assistant Treasurer.
Will assist in the administration of the financial affairs of the Gents Section.
22.6 Facilities.
Gents have their own locker room.
22.7 Use of Green.
Use of green as per section 19.
22.8 Dress.
Will conform to dress playing codes while representing Larkhall Bowling
22.9 Annual Subscriptions.
As per section 10
22.10 Office Bearers.
Gents President.
Gents Vice-President.
Gents Match Convenor.
Gents Assistant Treasurer
Gents Immediate Past President.
23.0 Disciplinary Procedure
A copy of the current Disciplinary Procedures dealing with complaints will be displayed on the Club notice board along with the current issue of the Club Constitution and Rules.
24.0 Hospitality
24.1 If a member who has previously been Club President agrees to take the roll again, any addiotional expenses incurred will be met by the Club.
24.2 Hospitality should be extended to members of the Club on opening and closing days, and to visitors throughout the season, and on any other occasions at the discretion of the President during that year.
Bowling Club
Instituted 1886
Issue 11
January 2024
1.0 Membership
1.1The Club shall be called the “Larkhall Bowling Club” and shall comprise:
a)a maximum of 200 members.
b)a maximum of 20 non-playing members. Such members will have at least 10 years membership and no longer wish to play bowls, and an undefined number of honorary members elected to that position on occasion.”
1.2 The objects of the club shall be to provide and equip a bowling green and recreation rooms, to generally encourage recreation and social intercourse among the members and to provide the privileges of a Club. The Club is a non-profit making organisation, with any profits or surpluses used to improve the Club’s facilities. On the dissolution of the club any assets purchased with lottery funding will be distributed to another non-profit making body with similar aims. Any unspent lottery funding will be returned to the source. Any other profit or surplus will be distributed to another non-profit making body with similar aims, on the dissolution of the Club.”
1.3 Should a non-playing member wish to be re-instated as a full member, their name will be placed at the top of the waiting list and they shall be given priority over all others including sons, daughters, widows and widowers.
1.4The Gents and Ladies sections shall be administered by Larkhall Bowling Club. The additional constitution and rules are listed below.
1.5A Junior Section shall be administered by Larkhall Bowling Club. The additional provisions for the Junior Section are shown in Section 20 below.
2.0 Office Bearers and Directors (The Committee)
2.1 The Committee shall consist of:
a) Gents section President
Gents Section Vice President
b) Ladies Section President
Ladies Section Vice President
c) Club Secretary
Assistant Club Secretary
d) Club Treasurer
Assistant Club Treasurer – Gents Section
Assistant Club Treasurer – Ladies Section
e) Gents Section Match Convener
Ladies Section Match Convener
f) Immediate Past President - Gents
Immediate Past president - Ladies
g) Three Directors
2.2 All Office Bearers and Directors shall serve a period of one year and each committee member must be assigned to at least one sub-committee.
2.3 All office bearers and directors will be elected by all club members present at the Annual General meeting.
2.4 No member can be elected to the committee unless they have been a member of the Club for a minimum of one year
3.0 Management of the Club
3.1 The business and affairs of the Club shall be under the management of the
committee who shall have the full powers to transact all the business of the
Club and that any publication or project that uses the name of Larkhall Bowling Club or its logo shall be deemed to be the business of the Club and as such will require submission for discussion and approval by the committee of directors. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt a member to fill any vacancy occurring among the office bearers and directors. Co-opted directors wishing to continue service on the committee shall submit to
formal election at the next Annual General Meeting.Eight Directors of the committee shall form a quorum.
3.2 No member of the committee or employee of the Club shall have the personal interest in the sale of any commodity therein or in the profits arising from such a sale.
3.3 A chairperson will be appointed from either of the two Bowling Presidents at
the first committee meeting after the Annual General Meeting.
4.0 Meeting of the Committee
4.1 The Committee of Management shall meet at least once per month, but the
Chairperson or any three Directors shall have the power to instruct the
Secretary to call a meeting of the Committee at any time.
5.0 General Meeting
5.1 The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held on the second
Wednesday of February for:
a) the election of Office Bearers and Directors to replace those retiring.
b) fixing the annual subscription and
c) transacting any extraordinary business of the Club.
5.2 Other General Meetings may be convened by the committee of Management and the Chairperson shall be bound to call the meeting within ten days after receipt of a requisition if signed by at least twenty members. Notice of such General Meetings must be given to members at least ten days prior to the date of such meetings.
At all General Meetings fifty members shall form a quorum.
6.0 The Chairperson
6.1 The Chairperson, or in absence the Vice-Chairperson, or in the absence of both
any other Director or Office Bearer elected by the meeting, shall preside at all
meetings of the club or committee of management and shall have, beside a
deliberate vote, a casting vote in cases of equality.
7.0 The Treasurer
7.1 The Treasurer shall keep correct accounts and books showing the financial
affairs and intromissions of the Club and shall submit to the Annual General
Meeting a statement of the accounts for the preceding year which have been
audited by two members appointed by the Directors for that purpose. The
Financial Year end shall be the last day in November. All funds of the Club
Shall be lodged in the bank in the name of the Club and all cheques on the
Accounts must be signed by the Treasurer or one of the Assistant Treasurers
and the Gents President or Ladies President.
8.0 The Secretary
8.1 The Secretary shall record in the minute book the results of all committee
special and general meetings of the club and keep regular and exact minutes.
In the notice calling the Annual General Meeting (in February) intimating to
each member on the roll that they shall be held to continue as a member and liable for the subscription which may be agreed for the current year unless they give written notice of their resignation to the Secretary prior to the meet meeting.
The Secretary will post a bulletin of the main issues from each committee meeting on the notice board.
9.0 Withdrawals
9.1 Members failing to give written notice to the Secretary prior to the Annual
General Meeting shall be held liable for the subscription for the current year provided they have always been warned of their liability in the circular calling for the Annual General Meeting.
10.0 Annual Subscriptions.
10.1 The Annual Subscription shall be as fixed at the Annual General Meeting. Effective from February 1997 members reaching the age of 65 by the Annual General Meeting shall pay the full fee. Existing members paying the reduced fee will continue to do so as set at the Annual General Meeting.
10.2 Subscriptions shall be due on or before 1st April each year. No member will be allowed to play in any match or be drawn in any of the ties for prizes until they have paid their annual subscription. In the absence of any satisfactory written explanation to the Secretary, if an annual subscription is still unpaid by the 1st June, the person defaulting in payments shall be expelled from membership of the Club. The subscription for temporary members shall be fixed by the Directors when required.
11.0 Admission of Members.
11.1 Any person seeking to join the Club must apply in writing to the Secretary. The application for membership shall be considered by the Management Committee. Membership is open to all and no application for membership shall be refused on other than reasonable grounds. There will be no discrimination on grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation, political or other opinion.
11.2 The Secretary shall intimate the decision of the Management Committee to the applicant. If the decision is favourable and no vacancy exists, the Secretary shall advise the applicant that their name will be entered on to a waiting list and that they may make use of the social facilities but not the green.
11.3 Successful applicants will then be admitted strictly according to the date of application with the exception that the following, in order, shall be given preference:
a) non-playing members wishing to be re-instated as full members:
b) sons and daughters of members of five years membership: alternating with
c) junior members attaining the age of 18 years (see Rule 20): alternating with
wives, husbands, widows and widowers.
11.4 On admission of a new member, the Secretary shall notify the applicant of their election in writing and acquaint them with the amount of annual
subscription. The Secretary shall draw their attention to the Club Constitution
and Rules exhibited in the clubhouse. The applicant will become a member
when they have accepted the offer of membership in writing to the Secretary
within ten days and their subscription has been paid.
11.5 New members shall be on a trial period and, if not participating in the
bowling activities of the Club on a regular basis, may have their membership
cancelled. Membership of Larkhall Bowling Club precludes membership of
any other outdoor bowling club.
11.6 Any person who has had their application for membership refused by the Management Committee shall have the right to appeal against that decision by writing to the Secretary. The Management Committee will reconsider the decision taking into account the applicant’s reasons, at the first monthly meeting after receipt of the appeal.
12.0 Honorary and Temporary Member.
12.1 No person shall be allowed to become an Honorary Member, and thereby be
relieved of payment of the annual subscription, unless that member has
contributed some special service to the community or to the Club. The
Committee of Management may from time to time elect persons not
Permanently resident in the district to be temporary members for such periods
and on such terms as they consider advisable. The Honorary Treasurer and
Honorary Secretary shall be relieved of payment of annual subscription while
holding office.
13.0 Visitors.
13.1 The green shall be open to members of other clubs and to visitors introduced
by members. Rink games with visitors must have the previous consent of the
Green Sub-Committee. Any individual game involving visitors must include at
least one Member.
13.2 A visitor shall not be supplied with excisable liquor in the Club premises
unless on the invitation and in the company of a member and such member
shall, on admission of such visitor to Club premises or immediately on their
being supplied with such liquor, enter their name and the name and address of
the visitor in a book which shall be kept for the purpose and which shall show the date of each visit. Four visitors maximum may be signed into the club bar
area by any one member.
14.0 Rules For Competitions and Prizes.
14.1 General
14.1.1 It is the responsibility of both players (skips in the case of pairs, triples etc) to
contact each other and arrange for ties to be played before the deadline.
14.1.2 All deadlines specified below must be adhered to. Extensions to deadlines
be applied only in very exceptional circumstances as determined by the match
committees and approved by the Directors.
14.1.3 Substitution will be as follows:
One substitute in a pairs or triples or fours competitions will be allowed in
Club Pairs, Senior Pairs, Nomination Pairs, Nomination Triples and
Nomination Fours.
One substitute can be chosen to play in these competitions provided that the
player has not played in previous rounds. Only when a substitution is
necessitated by family bereavement shall the player for whom substitution has
been made, be allowed to play in subsequent ties. In all other cases the
substitute may be allowed to continue throughout the remainder of the
14.1.4 Other rules as specified by Bowls Scotland (e.g. relating to the time allowed
for payers appearing to play etc.) shall apply to all competitions and in all
14.2 Club Rules.
14.2.1 When ties are played, the cards should be deposited in the boxes provided.
The tie sheets should not be up-dated: this is the sole responsibility of the
match committees.
14.2.2 If a player or skip
a) has contacted an opponent and has failed to reach agreement on when the tie
is to be played,
b) has been unsuccessful in contacting their opponent despite at least two
attempts, they (or both of them where relevant) must report the facts to the
match committees at least three days before the expiry date for the tie.
14.2.3 In these circumstances, the match committees will make a decision taking
account of all relevant facts. Failure to contact an opponent, failure to notify
the match committee within the specified time limit and unwarranted
obstructiveness will be taken into account in reaching the decision which will
be one of the following:
a) the tie shall be played at a specified date and time. In the event that one or both players/teams fail to turn up, one or both respectively will be
b) one or both players/teams shall be eliminated if the tie is not played by the due date.
c) both players/teams shall be eliminated if the tie is not played by the due
14.2.4 Both players/teams will be eliminated where a tie is not played by the due
date and neither player/team has contacted the match committees at least
three days before the expiry date for the tie.
14.2.5 Any dispute arising from the application of the above rules shall be notified
to the Directors in writing within three days of the due date of the tie or at the
time that the dispute arises if less than three days remain. The decision of the
Directors shall be notified to the players/teams concerned and shall be final.
14.2.6 Entries for the Secretary’s Competition in the Gents Section will exclude past
winners of the following competitions – Championship: Presidents: Vice
Presidents: Secretary’s.
15.0 Members while within ground.
15.1 Members must at all times conduct themselves in an acceptable manner while
within the ground. The Directors have power, on any infringement of this
rule taking place, to investigate the infringement and to expel the member or
members from the club or to withdraw all rights and privileges as a member
or members.
16.0 Gambling.
16.1 Gambling shall not be permitted under any circumstances.
17.0 Alteration of rules
17.1 Alteration of the rules can only be made at an Annual General Meeting of the
Club by a minimum majority of two thirds of those voting and after written
notice of the proposed alterations or additions has been given to the Secretary
not later then the 1st January so that he/she may advise members in the notice
calling the AGM.
18.0 Licensing hours.
18.1 The Club licensing hours will at all times be maintained within those set by the appropriate licensing authority or the directorate of the club operating
within the said authorised hours.
19.0 Use of rinks.
a) “Promiscuous Monday evenings for Gents at 7.00pm. Full green for Ladies on Monday at 1.30pm. Any rinks unused can be used for ties or bounce matches.”
b) In the event of any difference of opinion as to which of two available rinks
should be chosen for the playing of a Club tie, the question is to be decided by
the toss of a coin.
c) In the event of players in a tie not accepting the first available rink, their
names will go to the bottom of the waiting list.
d) If the green is full, the friendly game longest in progress shall, on request,
retire in favour of the tie.
e) If at any time the question should arise as to whether the green is playable or not, the decision shall be made by one or more members of the Green Committee. In their absence any available director can do so.
f) Junior members will be allowed to play at any rink or rinks is/are available, giving way on request from full members. Members of the Junior Section may join in the promiscuous on Monday evenings or Tuesday afternoons and any all day tournaments where the Directors consider it appropriate.
20.0 Junior Section
20.1 Applicants for junior membership must be a minimum of ten years of age at the date of application. Applications for junior membership will be made in writing to the Secretary for consideration by the Management Committee
20.2 Junior members are permitted to enter all club competitions on an equal basis with members. On attaining eighteen years, members of the junior section will be placed on a separate “waiting list” and be allocated membership as vacancies occur on a one for one basis with the main waiting lists, subject to
Rule 11.
20.3 The annual subscription shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting which
members of the junior section shall have the right to attend but at which they may not vote.
20.4 The Directors of Larkhall Bowling Club will have a responsibility to ensure that the junior section is a member of any appropriate body.
21.0 Ladies Section.
21.1 Name.
Larkhall Bowling Club Ladies Section.
21.2 Membership.
As per section 11 of the Club constitution.
21.3 Status.
Ladies are full members of Larkhall Bowling Club and adhere to the
Constitution of the Club.
21.4 The Ladies Match Convenor.
The Ladies Match Convenor shall keep a minute book and liaise with the Gents match convenor.
21.5 The Ladies Assistant Treasurer.
The Ladies Assistant Treasurer will assist in the administration of the financial affairs of the Ladies Section. All monies in excess of £100 will be transferred monthly to the treasurer who will issue a receipt. She will keep correct accounts and an income and expenditure record whish will be presented to the Treasurer on a monthly basis. The Ladies income and expenditure records will be included in the Club’s annual audit.
21.6 Facilities.
The upper floor of the old clubhouse may be used for meetings during the times of play, and they will have the use of a bowls room on the ground floor.
21.7 Use of the Green.
Ladies use of the green in accordance with the club constitution.
21.8 Dress
Conform to the dress code of playing bodies while representing Larkhall Bowling Club.
21.9 Office Bearers.
Ladies President.
Ladies Vice-President.
Ladies Match Convener.
Ladies Assistant Treasurer.
Ladies immediate Past President as in section 2.2.
21.10 Lady office bearers and any co-opted lady members will meet at least once
per month prior to the Committee of management meetings. The ladies match
convener shall record in the Minute Book the results of these meetings and
keep regular and exact minutes. A chairperson will be appointed from lady
office bearers.
22 .0 Gents Section
22.1 Name
Larkhall Bowling Club - Gents Section.
22.2 Membership.
Membership as per section 11
22.3 Status.
Gents are full members of Larkhall Bowling Club and adhering to the
Constitution of the Club.
22.4 Gents Match Convenor.
The Match Convenor will administer all games concerned with the Gents Section.
22.5 Assistant Treasurer.
Will assist in the administration of the financial affairs of the Gents Section.
22.6 Facilities.
Gents have their own locker room.
22.7 Use of Green.
Use of green as per section 19.
22.8 Dress.
Will conform to dress playing codes while representing Larkhall Bowling
22.9 Annual Subscriptions.
As per section 10
22.10 Office Bearers.
Gents President.
Gents Vice-President.
Gents Match Convenor.
Gents Assistant Treasurer
Gents Immediate Past President.
23.0 Disciplinary Procedure
A copy of the current Disciplinary Procedures dealing with complaints will be displayed on the Club notice board along with the current issue of the Club Constitution and Rules.
24.0 Hospitality
24.1 If a member who has previously been Club President agrees to take the roll again, any addiotional expenses incurred will be met by the Club.
24.2 Hospitality should be extended to members of the Club on opening and closing days, and to visitors throughout the season, and on any other occasions at the discretion of the President during that year.